Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 10/24/2024

Lloyd J. Old STAR Program

The CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Program—Scientists TAking Risks—provides long-term funding to mid-career scientists, giving them the freedom and flexibility to pursue high-risk, high-reward research at the forefront of discovery and innovation in cancer immunotherapy.

Rooted in CRI’s exceptional track record of identifying and supporting people who have had a major impact in immunotherapy, these grants are not tied to a specific research project, but rather support outstanding researchers based on the quality and promise of their overall work. The Lloyd J. Old STAR program provides up to $1.25 million over a five-year period to tenure-track assistant professors (minimum 3 years) and associate professors (maximum 3 years).

Candidates selected for this award are expected to be the future leaders in the field of cancer immunotherapy, and this sustained funding will enable them to carry out transformational research. Because the funds are not restricted to a particular project, the award allows the recipients to follow new and promising lines of investigation, which often lead to unanticipated scientific breakthroughs. This long-term funding provides a degree of flexibility and freedom to explore outside-the-box and disruptive avenues of research.

Deadline: Jan. 15, 2025

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates for the Lloyd J. Old STAR program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • The applicant must have an M.D., Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. (or equivalent)
  • Applicants must belong to one of the following categories as of July 1 (following the deadline):
    • Tenure-track assistant professor with a minimum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2024, deadline must be appointed on or before July 1, 2021)
    • Tenure-track associate professor with a maximum of 3 years in this position (for Jan. 15, 2024, deadline must be appointed on or after July 1, 2021)

Adjunct or acting positions are not eligible.

Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to conducting research.

CRI has no citizenship restrictions, and research supported by the award may be conducted at medical schools and research centers in the United States or abroad. Please note that the Cancer Research Institute does not support research at for-profit institutions.

Amount Description

Lloyd J. Old STAR Program grants provide up to $250,000 per year for five years. Awarded funds are intended to be flexible and may be used for salary, technical assistance, supplies, capital equipment, or scientific travel. CRI does not provide funds for indirect costs. Payments are made quarterly in U.S. currency to the host institution.

Funding Type
Topic areas