The Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) Program supports the advanced development of spacecraft-based instruments that show promise for use in future planetary missions. The goal of the program is to develop and demonstrate planetary science instruments to the point where they may be proposed in response to future announcements of flight opportunity without additional extensive technology development (approximately technology readiness level TRL 6). The proposed instrument must address specific scientific objectives of likely future planetary science missions.
The MatISSE Program seeks proposals for development activities leading to instrument systems in support of the Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) Planetary Science Division (PSD). The objective of the program is to develop new technologies that significantly improve instrument measurement capabilities for planetary science missions (such as SIMPLEx, Discovery, New Frontiers, Mars Exploration, and other planetary programs, including those flown on commercial spacecraft). As noted in Section 3.6 of C.1, it is the responsibility of the proposer to demonstrate how their proposed technology addresses significant scientific questions relevant to stated NASA goals and not for NASA to attempt to infer relevance.
- REQUIRED Step-1 Proposals: Apr. 8, 2024
- Step-2 Proposals: June 27, 2024