The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) seeks to support two-year collaborative research projects focused on measuring metabolism across organelles and cells. The ability to characterize temporally and spatially the broad molecular profiles, heterogeneity, and phenotypic diversity of organelles and cells and how they interact within and as systems are key to measuring human biology, understanding disease mechanisms, and finding treatments and cures. This Request for Applications (RFA) aims to accelerate innovative discoveries in metabolism and metabolic physiology in health and disease.
The long-term goal of this opportunity is to investigate the metabolic processes that maintain physiological homeostasis at the sub-cellular and cellular levels, and understand how and when these normal processes go awry. This two-year funding opportunity is explicitly aimed at addressing the mechanisms of metabolism, including its dynamics and resolution, molecular drivers, and the effects of genetic and environmental risk factors on relevant sub-cellular and cellular properties and interactions, and precisely mapping metabolic changes and states across various scales using a broad range of technologies. The projects should aim to use diverse experimental systems beyond immortalized cell lines to ensure the broadest possible insights into cellular and organelle biology. These grants are not intended to support translational research, clinical trials, or drug development.
Deadline: June 1, 2023
- Applications may be submitted by domestic and foreign nonprofit organizations, including public and private institutions, such as colleges, universities, hospitals, laboratories, units of state and local government, and eligible agencies of the federal government. For-profit organizations are not eligible to receive funding but may be involved in projects as a collaborator. All grants will be awarded to institutions, not individuals.
- An organization may submit more than one application.
- Each application should designate one Principal Investigator (PI) as the Coordinating Principal Investigator (Coordinating PI). The Coordinating PI will act as the administrative contact between CZI and all other PIs on the grant (Co-PIs). The Coordinating PI must submit the application on behalf of all PIs. The Coordinating PI must be affiliated with the institution submitting the application, and grant funds will be awarded to that institution, which will take responsibility for distributing funds to any other institution. Note that institutions outside the U.S. may not subcontract to U.S. institutions, so please be mindful when selecting the Coordinating PI/institution.
- Teams may include a total of three PIs. Each application must have one Coordinating PI, but may designate up to three total PIs (one Coordinating PI and up to two Co-PIs). All additional PIs should be listed as Co-PIs.
- Principal Investigators may only apply to join and serve as Coordinating PI or Co-PI on one application. Funding will be restricted to one project per PI. Participation in multiple projects as an unfunded collaborator is allowed and encouraged.
- At least one Principal Investigator of the team must have expertise in metabolism or another related field.
- PIs/Co-PIs on one application may be employed at the same or different institutions.
- PIs and Co-PIs must each be permitted to receive grant support from the organization they are applying with. This criterion may be defined differently in different types of organizations.
Applications for two types of grants are welcome: Expanded Projects and Focused Projects. The maximum budgets for proposed projects are $500,000 total costs for Expanded Projects and $250,000 total costs for Focused Projects. All project awards will be for a 24-month duration.