Posted: 4/18/2022

Medical Free Electron Laser-Related Biomedical Research

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) invites the submission of research proposals from medical or scientific organizations for research that is aimed at exploiting optical and laser technology in medicine and biology, especially for military needs. Proposed efforts should be limited in scope and directed toward the development of new or improved applications of lasers and other light sources in medicine, photobiology, surgery, and related materials sciences. These applications should have either significant military applicability or a supporting or complimentary approach to other research thrusts of the Medical Free Electron Laser (MFEL) program. On-site ownership, maintenance, or operation of a FEL is not required and awards made under this BAA may not be used toward the purchase or construction of an FEL. Research using an existing FEL is permitted, but not required.

Deadlines: This announcement (AFOSR-BAA-2007-4) will remain open until replaced by a successor BAA. Proposals may be submitted at any time. However, those planning to submit proposals should consider that AFOSR commits the bulk of its funds in the fall of each year.

Eligibility Requirements
This announcement is primarily directed toward university-based institutions, although proposals from other recognized medical or scientific organizations are not precluded. Collaborations with government, especially Defense-related, medical research agencies are desirable and encouraged.