The Foundation is seeking highly innovative and groundbreaking medical research proposals from top tier institutions in both basic biological and applied research that will have the greatest impact on scientific knowledge and human health. Proposals should be distinctive and novel in their approaches, question the prevailing paradigm, and lead to advancement of knowledge in the field. A highly qualified scientific advisory committee will review all proposals. Applications are highly competitive. Priority is given to organizations with whom the Foundation has had a long-standing relationship. Requests from organizations without prior funding are rarely approved.
In June 2022, the Board added an initial screening step for organizations that have never been funded before, or that have not been funded in the past ten years. These institutions should submit the Medical Research Study Pre-Request instead of the full application. The Board will then decide if they would like to receive a full application during the following grant cycle. Such a full application would be considered along with all other applications received that cycle and should meet the guidelines below. The Medical Research Study Pre-Request will be available during the spring and fall grant cycles only, as are the full applications. Before you begin a Medical Research Study Pre-Request, we ask that you contact Foundation staff at
All applications and pre-requests must be approved by the University Provost, or the Vice President of Research, and should be submitted through the office of research and sponsored projects, development department, or other office that provides institutional approval of the request. Applications submitted by an individual researcher will NOT be considered.
Prospective applicants at Duke should contact Anita Shirley, Foundation Relations ( before applying.
Deadlines: March 31, Sep. 30