Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

MEDx Engineering, Environment, and Health 2022 Request for Proposals [Duke Internal Funding -- For Duke Faculty Only]

Duke MEDx’s purpose is to foster collaborations between faculty members from the Duke School of Medicine and the Pratt School of Engineering. With this request for proposals, we seek to catalyze inter and trans-disciplinary, early-stage and translational research that increases insight into; measures; or addresses the effects of environmental exposures on health. We also wish to encourage collaborations with the Nicholas School of the Environment.

Proposed projects must represent a new collaboration or a new research question for an existing collaboration and demonstrate the leveraging of unique skills and knowledge of all team members. Examples of the types of projects that are in scope are those that develop monitoring devices or sensors, measure and analyze environmental insults or human exposure, investigate physiological responses to environmental insults, or create solutions to ameliorate the impact of environmental stressors on human health.

Awards will typically be for up to $50,000 with a 12-month performance period. If the team requests more than $50,000 (but no greater than $75,000), the proposal must include a detailed justification and the request must be discussed with the MEDx team prior to submission. MEDx anticipates that it will award three grants.  

Pre-submission inquiries are mandatory.

Deadline for full application is May 18, 2022.

Eligibility Requirements

The  project  team  must  have  at  least  two  and  up  to  three  Primary  Investigators.  While  there  must  be  a  PI  with  an  appointment  in Medicine  and  one  with  an  appointment in  Pratt,  they  should  be  joined  by  a  faculty  member  from  Nicholas,  or  one  of  the  Medicine or  Pratt  PIs  should  have  a  joint  appointment  in  Nicholas.  PIs  may  be regular  rank or  non-regular  rank.  If  the  faculty  member  does not  have and/or  requires  permission  to  dedicate time  to  the  project  or  space to  conduct  the research,  this  must  be obtained  prior  to submission.  Additionally,  we strongly  encourage  collaborations  with  extramural  partners.  For  details  on  how  to  operationalize these  collaborations,  please  contact  us,  as  MEDx  funds  cannot  be  provided  in  the  form  of  grant  support  for  extramural collaborators. 

Internal Nomination