Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/17/2023

Molecular Atlas of Lung Development Program (LungMAP) Phase 3 - Research Centers (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The purpose of this NOFO is to support the Molecular Atlas of Lung Development Program (LungMAP) Phase 3 Research Centers (RCs). The overall goal of LungMAP is to build a comprehensive  molecular and cellular atlas of the human lung to serve as a reference platform to better understand both normal biology and disease pathobiology, and to identify critical cellular components, molecular pathways, and novel therapeutic targets in lung disease. RCs will be expected to obtain and analyze pediatric and adult lung tissues in order to generate high-resolution molecular profiling data of the diseased lung. RCs will perform integrated data analysis, explore mechanisms of disease pathogenesis, collaborate closely with other LungMAP teams and to disseminate this resource to the broader research community. Applicants are not required to have been funded in LungMAP Phase 2 (RFA-HL-19-020) in order to submit applications to this NOFO.


  • Letter of Intent Due Date(s): September 13, 2023

  • Application Due Date: October 27, 2023

RFA-HL-24-006 Expiration Date October 28, 2023

Amount Description

Application budgets may not exceed direct costs of $500,000 per year in Fiscal Years 2024 through 2028.

The maximum project period is five years. 

Funding Type