This initiative will support national service centers for molecular structure determination by high resolution cryoelectron microscopy (cryoEM). The centers will provide access to state-of-the-art equipment, technical support, and training for the production and analysis of high-resolution data and offer equal-opportunity nationwide access to services through an open application process.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Dates: June 30, 2023; June 28, 2024
PAR-23-118 Expiration Date New Date February 27, 2024 (Original Date: June 29, 2024) per issuance of NOT-GM-24-024
Only institutions operating a cryoEM center with all microscopes at a single site may apply. The currently operating center must include a minimum of four 300keV high-resolution cryoelectron microscopes for data collection purposes, each equipped with direct electron detectors, and a minimum of one lower resolution microscope appropriate for initial specimen assessment prior to data collection. 100% of the time on the microscopes must be committed to center use.
At least one PD/PI should be an expert in single particle cryoEM and at least one PD/PI should have experience managing a scientific resource. These roles can be fulfilled by the same person.
The maximum budget that may be requested is $6,500,000 in total costs per year, excluding equipment and consortium F&A costs. Additional funds for equipment may be requested if well justified. See Part II. Section IV.2 R&R Budget for detailed budget guidelines.
The maximum project period is 5 years.