Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 11/9/2023

National Drug Early Warning System Coordinating Center (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks applications for a single Coordinating Center to support research on the identification and dissemination of signals of emerging drug use patterns in communities across the United States.

The Coordinating Center will provide operational, administrative, and logistical support by executing the following:

  1. Establish a Scientific Advisory Group to provide guidance and direction.
  2. Engage an Early Warning Network composed of two components: local health experts on drug use from selected communities (Sentinel Sites) and a broader network of community-based health researchers, to support the bi-directional sharing of information and insights into drug use patterns in their communities and to support the ongoing monitoring, interpretation, and dissemination of data.
  3. Identify, compile, analyze, and triangulate research data and resources from multiple sources to assess and contextualize emerging drug threats.
  4. Disseminate contextualized research findings, data, and resources to key audiences who can use the data to inform their response.


  • Letter of Intent Due Date(s): February 20 , 2024 

  • Application Due Date: March 20, 2024

RFA-DA-25-029 Expiration Date March 21, 2024

Funding Type