Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 12/17/2024

NIDCD Research Grants for Translating Basic Research into Clinical Practice (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) provides an avenue for basic scientists, clinicians, and clinical scientists to jointly initiate and conduct research projects that translate basic research findings into clinical practice for better human health. The scope of this NOFO includes a range of activities that will impact the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders within NIDCD’s scientific mission. Connection to the clinical condition must be clearly established and the outcomes of the proposed work must have the potential for practical clinical impact in the near term. Given the emphasis on translation to clinical practice, early engagement with end users (e.g., practicing clinicians, patients) in real-world environments in which these approaches will be employed is expected.  


  • Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days before the application due date
  • Application Due Date(s): Feb 13, 2025; Oct 13, 2025; June 12, 2026; Feb 12, 2027; Oct 12, 2027

RFA-DC-25-002 Expiration Date October 13, 2027

Eligibility Requirements

Renewals will not be accepted for this NOFO including renewals for applications awarded under the previous NOFOs of this initiative, including RFA-DC-22-001, PAR-18-533, PAR-17-184 or PAR-14-009.  New applications that are an extension of work previously funded by this NOFO or RFA-DC-22-001, PAR-18-533, PAR-17-184, or PAR-14-009 will not be accepted. Projects may only receive a total of 5 years of support from this NOFO and previous NOFOs of this initiative, which are listed above. Following five years of support, applicants should seek continued funding for the projects using other NIDCD- or NIH-issued NOFOs.

Amount Description

The maximum funding per grant must be less than $500,000 direct costs per year, unless prior approval from NIDCD is obtained. Application budgets need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Applicants requesting $500,000 or more in direct costs in any year (excluding consortium F&A) must contact a Scientific/ Research Contact at least 6 weeks before submitting the application.  

The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum period is 5 years.