The SBIR Technology Transfer (SBIR-TT) Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is intended to help move commercially-viable technologies from the NIH Intramural Program to the marketplace. Small Business Concerns (SBCs) are encouraged to submit applications that further develop available technologies from the NIH Intramural Program and bring them to the commercial market. While universities can spin off companies, use incubator resources, and obtain funding from venture capital, the NIH intramural programs have no similar mechanism to develop technologies. If selected for SBIR funding, the SBC will be granted a royalty-free, non-exclusive patent license agreement for internal research use for the term of and within the field of use of the SBIR award to technologies held by NIH with the intent that the SBC will develop the invention into a commercial product to benefit the public. For a complete listing of NIH intramural technologies which are available, please see NIH Office of Technology Transfer at: or the web sites of the technology transfer offices of the participating Institutes.
The NIH Intramural Research Program leverages the unique NIH research environment to perform interdisciplinary research from the bench to bedside. Investigators conduct basic, translational, and clinical research at NIH campuses across the country. As part of the SBIR-TT project, an NIH intramural investigator may provide assistance in a collaborative manner by providing technology, reagents and/or discussions during the SBIR award period. No SBIR funds are allowed to go to the NIH intramural investigator or to the NIH intramural program.
Small business concerns should submit an SBIR application through using the SF424(R&R) application package. SBCs are encouraged to submit a license application to the technology transfer office of the participating institute before submitting an SBIR application. The SBIR application will be reviewed by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR), while license applications will be reviewed by the institute's technology transfer office. Under the NIH SBIR-TT program, the SBIR grant review process will be conducted in parallel with, but distinct from, the review of any application for a license. A list of relevant technical, invention, and licensing-related answers can be found online at the NIH Technology Transfer Office: or the web sites of the technology transfer offices of the participating Institutes.
This notice applies to due dates on or after January 5, 2022 and subsequent receipt dates through January 7, 2025.