Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA) for Improving Hydropower’s Value Through Informed Decision-Making

Funding Agency:
Department of Energy

The objectives of this Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA) are to:

* Provide hydropower decision-makers—such as utilities and system operators—with National Lab expertise and capabilities to address challenges and capture opportunities for their systems;

* Validate National Lab-led modeling, analysis, and tools developed under the HydroWIRES initiative for the benefit of the broader community; and

* Further our collective understanding ofpossible roles for hydropower under evolving power system conditions that reach beyond those considered by most planners and operators today.

WPTO anticipates providing Technical Assistance (TA) to up to 6 recipients. Each recipient will receive assistance valued at up to $400,000. WPTO will provide the funding to the TA team that will provide the TA for the selected projects. There is no financial assistance available under this NOTA; only TA will be provided. WPTO will not purchase hardware, software, or provide any direct funding to selected organizations through this NOTA. Recipients will not be required to provide cash cost share, although in-kind contributions for data, information, and critical review of results are necessary for project success.

WPTO is under no obligation to pay for any costs associated with preparation or submission of applications. WPTO reserves the right to provide TA in whole or in part, to any, all, or none of the applications submitted in response to this NOTA.

An entity may only submit one Concept Paper and one Full Application for each topic area of this NOTA.


  • Duke Internal: Interested applicants at Duke should contact Paul Noe ( as early as possible.
  • Deadline for Concept Papers: Dec. 18, 2020

Agency Website

Areas of Interest

  • Topic Area 1 – Participation in Energy Imbalance Markets
  • Topic Area 2 – Assessing the Value of Inflow Forecasting Tools and Practices
  • Topic Area 3 – Hydropower in Integrated Resource Planning
  • Topic Area 4 – Optimization of Hybrid Hydropower and Storage Systems
  • Topic Area 5 – Open Topic: This open topic allows applicants to request assistance with other decision-making questions regarding hydropower’s role in the evolving grid that are not addressed adequately in the other four topic areas.

Funding Type





Engineering and Physical Sciences
Environmental & Life Sciences

External Deadline

December 18, 2020