Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/22/2024

Notice of Special Interest: National Cancer Institute Supports Applications for the Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01) Within the Mission of the Division of Cancer Prevention

This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications from early career scientists conducting early translational research in cancer prevention, interception, screening, and early detection within the mission of the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) for the Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01).

The NCI Cancer Training Branch in the Center for Cancer Training and DCP are issuing this announcement to allow applications from early-career scientists conducting cancer prevention research within the mission of DCP to the K01 Mentored Career Development Award funding opportunities. The focus of this research area is early translational research aimed at advancing the application of the mechanistic and scientific understanding of carcinogenesis and human biology towards interventions focused on cancer prevention, interception, screening, and early detection. These mechanistic understandings can be informed by research conducted across basic science, epidemiology, behavioral, or clinical studies and by varied scientific disciplines. Early translational research spans preclinical (e.g., cell and tissue culture, animal models) to clinical (e.g., small early phase clinical trials) research and may include areas such as development and testing of interception agents (including small molecules, vaccines and biologics), novel and precision methods for screening, early detection, and management of average- and high-risk cohorts, and early diagnostic biomarker development. This research could draw upon areas such as molecular and systems biology, diagnostics, vaccine and drug development, pharmacology, and biomedical engineering, along with many other related disciplines. The ultimate objective of this research would be to develop novel human interventions and human-centered adaptation of current interventions with the potential to reduce cancer risk, incidence, and mortality, and improve quality of life. More information about potentially relevant research areas can be found by examining the mission and scientific scope of the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP).

This notice applies to due dates on or after February 12, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates until further notice.


Expiration Date: May 08, 2029