The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICs) are issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage applications proposing to test multilevel strategies and interventions to improve the uptake of evidence-based screening services across the lifespan and in populations including, but not limited to, those experiencing health disparities and those that are underserved. Studies addressing efficacy, effectiveness, dissemination and implementation research, as well as studies seeking to understand and address barriers to screening are encouraged. The specific research interests of participating NIH ICs are detailed within.
This NOSI encourages highly innovative translational research focused on the delivery of multilevel interventions to improve uptake of evidence-based screening services that promote health equity and that are recommended by expert committees (e.g., the USPSTF, CPSTF, AAP, ACOG). Multilevel interventions are one tool to reduce health disparities and promote health equity because they address the dynamic interplay of multiple levels of socioecological influence, including those at the individual, interpersonal, family, organizational, neighborhood, community, and societal levels. For the purpose of this NOSI, a multilevel intervention addresses at least two levels of influence to improve screening uptake (See the NIMHD Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Framework and the NIA Health Disparities Research Framework for examples of health determinants at different levels of influence). Multilevel interventions would include group- or cluster-randomized trials and stepped wedge group- or cluster-randomized trials (See the Research Methods Resources website for more information). Prospective applicants whose research interests relate to studies that seek to build the evidence base for screenings that have not received a definitive grade or recommendation from expert committees are directed to the companion NOSI (NOT-OD-22-179).
This NOSI applies to due dates on or after October 4, 2022, and subsequent receipt dates through May 8, 2025.