Research shows that diverse teams working together and capitalizing on innovative ideas and distinct perspectives outperform homogenous teams. Scientists and trainees from diverse backgrounds and life experiences bring different perspectives, creativity, and individual enterprise to address complex scientific problems. There are many benefits that flow from a diverse NIH-supported scientific workforce, including: fostering scientific innovation, enhancing global competitiveness, contributing to robust learning environments, improving the quality of the research, advancing the likelihood that underserved or health disparity populations participate in, and benefit from health research, and enhancing public trust. In an effort to enhance diversity in NIDCD fields of research, NIDCD is making available this opportunity to support individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from nationally underrepresented groups, to receive research training under the existing NIDCD-funded T32 or T35 awards.
This program offers institutions an opportunity to apply for additional trainee research slots to support eligible candidates under an existing T32 or T35 award when all regularly-awarded positions have been filled. The NIDCD administratively funds a supplemental slot designated specifically for a selected trainee - either predoctoral or postdoctoral - to an existing T32 or T35 award. That position remains a part of the T32 or T35 for as long as the named individual is a member of the training program. When the individual no longer receives support from the T32 or T35, the funds for the position are removed from the grant.
To ensure an appropriate training experience, only predoctoral slots are considered for programs that exclusively support predoctoral training; the same applies to postdoctoral slots. Programs supporting both predoctoral and postdoctoral training may apply for either.
NIDCD encourages institutions to recruit prospective predoctoral and postdoctoral students from diverse backgrounds to consider participating in this program, including but not limited to individuals from underrepresented groups, such as those from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. For more information, see NOT-OD-20-031 "Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity".
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, beginning May 15, 2023. Applications will generally be reviewed within 6 weeks of receipt and awarded separately or within the parent grant as appropriate.
NOT-DC-23-010 Expiration Date May 14, 2026
Individuals supported under this program must meet the administrative requirements for any trainee supported by a T32 or T35 award (e.g., citizenship/permanent residency requirements, payback obligation) and must meet all the requirements for prior training, experience, and commitment to research expected of any other trainee in the particular T32 or T35 program wishing to support them.
Only one or two additional trainee slots (either predoctoral or postdoctoral) will be awarded to any T32/T35. If a trainee has been appointed to a regular slot on a T32 or T35 grant, a supplemental slot will not be considered for additional years for that trainee. Funding decisions will be made consistent with applicable law.