Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

Ocular Surface Innervation from Cell Types to Circuit Functions (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) aims to identify and support collaborative projects that will comprehensively delineate ocular surface innervation – from corneal sensation to pain circuits and tearing reflexes. The Request for Applications (RFA) aims to explore this system at three levels of analysis: morphologic, molecular, and functional. Successful projects will incorporate and integrate at least two of these levels of analysis, and ideally all three. Collaborative multi-disciplinary teams are expected with investigators having complementary areas of expertise. The premise of this FOA is that such basic biology will facilitate a deeper understanding of related pathobiology including neuropathic ocular pain and dry eye disease that will lay a foundation for future translational and clinical research on the anterior segment of the eye. 


  • Letter of Intent: Feb. 7, 2022
  • Application: March 7, 2022

RFA-EY-21-004 Expiration Date March 8, 2022


Funding Type