Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

OpenScope: A platform for high-throughput and reproducible neurophysiology open to external scientists to test theories of brain function

The OpenScope program is soliciting proposals for experiments to be carried out using the “Allen Brain Observatory” in vivo imaging and electrophysiology platforms in the brains of mice. Data will be collected by skilled operators at the Allen Institute and will be packaged in a standardized format and distributed to external teams for their own analysis. In the current call for proposals, recordings will be targeted to the visual pathways of mice passively viewing a stimulus monitor (future calls for proposals may include more brain regions and/or active behavioral tasks). We anticipate selecting three projects in 2021 distributed across Allen Brain Observatory rigs: Neuropixels electrophysiology and two-photon imaging. The resulting cellular data (spiking activity and segmented ROI) and meta-data will be delivered to the applicant team for their own subsequent analysis and publication. Experiments should be designed to address fundamental questions related to the function of the mammalian neocortex and associated structures in health or disease.


Required Letter of Intent Due: September 22nd, 2021 (5 pm Pacific)

Full Proposal Due: November 22nd, 2021 (5 pm Pacific)

Eligibility Requirements

This opportunity is available to anyone, provided they are not currently employed by the Allen institute.

Amount Description

Note: This is not a funding opportunity; no money will be distributed to selected applicants. Instead, a selected proposal provides access to fully funded data collection activities at the Allen Institute (funded through an NIH Brain Initiative U24 grant awarded directly to the Allen Institute). This award also provides support for one team member to take one trip to the Allen Institute. No monetary support for activities outside the Allen Institute is provided to selected applicants. Therefore, each applicant must ensure they have the resources and funding to execute all other portions of their proposed work, including a data analysis plan and expected efforts towards publication (first on bioRxiv and subsequently in a peer-reviewed scientific journal).