Posted: 4/18/2022

Pediatric Research Grants

The Thrasher Research Fund accepts grant applications for pediatric medical research topics. Research projects with the potential to impact a large number of children as well as research projects that address severe problems affecting relatively few children will be considered. The Fund seeks to maintain a portfolio of grants with a balance of both domestic and international research.

The first step in applying for a grant is the submission of a 2-page concept paper. There are no deadlines for submissions.

  • Deadlines: Rolling (concept papers).
Eligibility Requirements
The Principal Investigator is expected to be qualified in terms of education and experience, maintain an active role in the project, and take full responsibility for its successful completion. Students may be employed as technical support personnel but may not apply as Principal Investigators. There are no citizenship or visa restrictions.
Amount Description
  • Projects are supported for up to 3 years.
  • Amounts awarded and time periods vary depending on the specific needs of each proposal. Over the last several years awards from the Fund have ranged from a few thousand dollars to approximately $400,000. The Fund’s median award is $230,000, with the majority between $150,000-$300,000.
Funding Type
Sponsor: Rolling