Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/3/2023

Of the People: Widening the Path: Community Collections grants to Organizations

The Library of Congress is announcing a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to make cooperative agreement awards in support of contemporary ethnographic field research focusing on the cultures and traditions of diverse communities across the United States. This funding opportunity is authorized by 20 U.S.C. 2101, et. seq. The resulting award will be subject to the Library of Congress Regulation (LCR) 7-310 (Grants and Cooperative Agreements) and provisions of 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Costs Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards as indicated.

Through a gift from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Library will support a multiyear initiative that entails public participation in the creation of archival collections. Specifically, the Library of Congress seeks to make awards to support contemporary cultural documentation focusing on the culture and traditions of diverse, often underrepresented communities in the United States today. These projects will result in archival collections preserved at the American Folklife Center and made accessible through the Library of Congress’ web site. The major goals of this program are to enable communities to document their cultural traditions, practices and experiences from their own perspectives, while enhancing the Library’s holdings with materials featuring creativity and knowledge found at the local level. As such, successful proposals will come from applicants within or closely affiliated with the community they propose to document.

Funding through these awards can be used to cover travel, equipment rental or purchase, and other expenses associated with cultural documentation fieldwork. American Folklife Center folklorists and archivists can assist successful applicants in providing support for specific aspects of cultural documentation activities, such as sharing expertise or training in fieldwork methods, archival practices and associated digital technologies. Library staff will be available to provide technical advice, and work with successful applicants to facilitate a cohort for sharing knowledge and lessons learned. In consultation with American Folklife Center staff during the award process, awardees have the option to develop public programs connected to their projects in their home communities, as potentially supported by additional funds (see Section A.4.1). The American Folklife Center is seeking to build long-term relationships with awardees and to give awardees the opportunity to present their work in a forum at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

An eligible applicant organization may submit only one (1) application under this announcement. Interested applicants from within Duke should contact fundopps@duke.edu as early as possible.

Proposal Submission Deadline: August 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants may be charitable or similar organizations, for federal tax-exempt purposes subject to 26 U.S.C 501c(3) or similar authority, including institutions of higher education, colleges and universities, as well as professional associations and community groups. For-profit applicants are not eligible. Organizations must be U.S.-based. Eligibility extends to all 50 U.S. states, protectorates, territories, and the District of Columbia. Only one entity may receive the funding.

Amount Description

The Library of Congress intends to award up to 10 awards pursuant to this notice of funding opportunity. The Library’s intention is to make awards of up to $50,000. The Library may choose to make no awards or more than ten awards.

Funding Type