Peru USAID-Lima -- Regional Community Response to Conservation Crimes

Funding Agency:
US Agency for International Development

Transnational conservation crimes (TCCs) are some of the fastest growing cross-border, high-value, low-risk enterprises and are causing irreparable damage to the Amazon. TCCs are defined as crimes associated with the conservation of natural resources, such as wildlife trafficking, illegal logging and associated trade (ILAT), illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and illegal or unregulated extraction and trade of alluvial gold and other minerals. Along with extraction, TCCs also degrade the region’s governance and threaten the viability and security of vulnerable communities and the sustainability of the complex Amazon ecosystem.

There is insufficient collaboration and involvement of civil and private sector actors to effectively contribute to decreasing the unsustainable supply and demand for Amazonian natural resources.

Civil society actors, including indigenous populations and local communities, as well as private sector firms and organizations in Amazon countries will engage in transboundary collaboration and effective actions to address behavioral, cultural and economic drivers of transnational conservation crimes.

IF indigenous peoples and local communities embrace values that protect both biodiversity and cultural identity, and have access to sustainable livelihoods opportunities, and IF end-users and key actors in supply chains for Amazon resources understand the negative effects of environmental crimes, THEN Amazon civil society and private sector actors will engage in effective actions and transboundary collaboration to address major drivers of transnational conservation crimes.

Each legal entity is limited to one application submission under this NOFO as the prime Applicant. There is no limitation on being included as a potential sub-awardee across multiple applications. The use of exclusive teaming arrangements is discouraged.


  • Duke Internal: Interested applicants at Duke should contact Paul Noe ( as early as possible.
  • Sponsor Deadline: Jan. 15, 2021

Agency Website

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for this NOFO is unrestricted.



Funding Type





Environmental & Life Sciences
International Opportunities
Social Sciences

External Deadline

January 15, 2021