Invasive species pose a significant threat to the ecological, economic, and cultural integrity of America’s lands and waters and the communities they support. The Department of the Interior (DOI) regards prevention as the most cost-effective and environmentally protective tool to manage the threat of invasive species. Prevention includes efforts to stop the introduction of invasive species into the United States as well as the secondary spread of invasive species already present as many introduced species have not achieved their potential geographic and ecologic distributions.
New species can arrive through different pathways, but most species considered to be invasive are transported as a result of human activities, particularly activities associated with trade and travel, including commercial operations and recreation. Therefore, it is critical to prevent the introduction and movement of invasive species through the development and implementation of risk mitigation measures for these pathways.
Deadline: June 16, 2022
Maximum Award $1,852,550
Minimum Award $200,000