The John Templeton Foundation invites Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) submissions for proposals aimed at giving theologians, philosophers of religion, and scholars in religious studies who work in Christian theology (broadly construed) the opportunity to cross-train in psychological sciences (here and throughout this call broadly defined to include cognitive, social, personality, moral, developmental, evolutionary, and cultural psychology; cognitive anthropology; behavioral economics; cognitive science; and cognitive and social neuroscience). The Foundation’s objective is to help theologians, philosophers of religion, and scholars in religious studies better position themselves to conduct research in conversation and collaboration with scientists on topics at the intersection of Christian theology (broadly construed) and the psychological sciences.
In general, we ask that there be no more than one OFI submission per organization. We also ask that no one individual be a Project Leader on more than one OFI submission. However, a single person might be project personnel on multiple OFI submissions, and an organization might be involved in multiple OFI submissions, though not as the prime organization.
- Duke Internal: July 12, 2021
- Sponsor Deadline: August 20, 2021​
Owing to the sponsor's restriction on the number of applications that may be submitted from Duke (1), anyone wishing to pursue this opportunity should submit the following materials as one PDF by emailing them to by Monday, July 12, 12:00 p.m. NOON.
- Lead PI name, academic department and school, and contact information
- Project title
- 500-word project description
- List of co-PIs and/or research partners, including any outside of Duke
- Describe ways in which the project might be financially supported from sources other than the Templeton Foundation (per OFI guidelines). May include cash and in-kind support, but not waived overhead.
In total, please submit no more than two pages.