The Psychosocial Research (PSR) portfolio supports research that prioritizes the interrelation of behavioral, social, psychological, and other factors that will increase the quality of life factors for individuals living with spinal cord injury. Examples of areas of interest include: Aging, caregiving, employment, health behaviors and fitness, independent living, self-management, and technology access.
Postdoctoral Fellowships: Two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships encourage early-career mentored training to increase professional interest in : the field and to encourage researchers from related health disciplines to undertake training in psychosocial research focused on spinal cord injury.
Pilot Grants: Two-year Pilot Grants support psychosocial research projects that lay the groundwork to inform future studies, that test the feasibility of novel methods, and/or that collect psychosocial data that can enhance larger scale studies.
Studies and Demonstration Projects: Three-year Studies and Demonstration Projects encourage substantive research that fill important gaps in the spinal cord injury field, that open new areas of psychosocial research, and/or that develop and evaluate interventions to address psychosocial issues after spinal cord injury.
Deadline for Letter of Intent: Feb. 29, 2024