The Rachel Horne Prize for Women's Research in MS is awarded by the International Women in MS (iWiMS). The Prize recognises outstanding contributions to research in the understanding and treatment of women's specific health issues in MS.
This will be an annual Prize and the winner will receive:
- $40,000 prize to be used at the recipient's discretion.
- Complimentary registration at the next European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) meeting.
- Reimbursement for attending the meeting, travel and three days' meals and accommodation expenses.
The winner will be expected to present their work. This may include a virtual presentation to an international audience in one of the many iWiMS global meetings or in person meetings such at ECTRIMS.
The Prize is judged by a panel of senior members of iWiMS.
Deadline: June 11, 2024
The Prize is intended for mid-to-senior career women MS scientists and neurologists. Applicants must have worked for more than 15 years at Assistant Professor level and, at the time of application, hold the title of Associate Professor or Professor.