The purpose of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is to conserve endangered and threatened species and the ecosystems upon which they depend, and to take appropriate steps to achieve the purposes of treaties and conventions set forth in the ESA. Section 2(a)(5) of the ESA authorizes the use of Federal financial assistance to encourage the States and other interested parties to develop and maintain conservation programs to safeguard the Nation’s heritage in fish, wildlife and plants for the benefit of all citizens. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Ecological Services Program provides Federal financial assistance on a competitive basis to states, other Federal agencies, landowners, educators, non-profit organizations, researchers, and other potential partners to secure information about endangered or threatened species, to aid in the recovery of these species under the ESA, and to help conserve the ecosystems upon which these species depend. The Recovery Challenge funding opportunity specifically provides a unique financial assistance opportunity for eligible, non-Federal longstanding and new partners working on high priority recovery actions as identified by the Service for ESA endangered and threatened species.
The primary goal of Recovery Challenge is to implement high priority recovery actions for ESAlisted species, in particular for genetically-sound breeding, rearing, and reintroduction programs, as well as to develop or update recovery plans. A secondary goal is to enhance new and ongoing partnerships to aid in the recovery of these species and to conserve the ecosystems upon which they depend.
Deadline: Dec. 19, 2023
Maximum Award $1,700,000
Minimum Award $1,000