Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 3/10/2023

Request for Concept Papers for Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Activity -- Tajikistan

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking concept papers as the first step in a two-step procurement from qualified entities to implement a Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Activity.

Proposed projects may be stand-alone, targeted programs, or they can be mainstreamed within larger activities. Within the DCA theme, projects should reflect the most pressing needs in Tajikistan and align with the Mission’s development priorities. As part of USAID’s commitment to advance Global Action for Climate Equity and USAID’s Global Disability Summit commitments, USAID seeks concepts that will support persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in taking climate action to respond to climate change, bolstering their resilience to the effects of climate change, and situating them to contribute to climate action as positive agents of change and sources of solutions. Proposals should be guided by the provisions set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Projects that highlight and incorporate strategies to address the needs of persons with disabilities within marginalized or underrepresented groups, such as Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQI+ people, women and girls, and youth are encouraged. All programs, regardless of implementing partner, must verify significant involvement of persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the project. Additionally, projects should demonstrate participation and involvement of Disabled Persons’ Organizations. All awards (e.g., grants or cooperative agreements) under this request for concept papers will be administered through and managed by the USAID/Tajikistan Mission.

Deadline: March 29, 2023

Eligibility Requirements

Concept papers should be from qualified U.S. or non-U.S. entities, such as private, non-profit organizations (or for-profit companies willing to forego profits), faith- and local community-based organizations, private voluntary organizations, universities, research organizations, and professional associations.

Local Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs) are strongly encouraged to submit project concepts. Preference will be given to qualified DPOs and/or any of the above organization types that directly collaborate with and/or award sub-grants to DPOs while meeting the requirements for funding.

Amount Description

Subject to funding availability, USAID intends to provide funding for individual projects ranging from $300,000 up to $1,000,000.00 in total. Submissions will be considered within the following two funding ranges: (1) from $300,000 to $500,000, and (2) from $500,001 to $1,000,000. Actual funding amounts are subject to availability of funds. USAID intends to award one or two Cooperative Agreement(s) or Grant(s) pursuant to this notice of funding opportunity and after successful completion of the full application process. USAID reserves the right to not fund a Concept paper or Full Application submitted.