Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 12/11/2023

Request for Information (RFI): NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) Artificial Intelligence (AI) use cases to inform an assessment of data readiness

The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit broad community input on the artificial intelligence-readiness (i.e., data representation in a format that enables and eases the application of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) approaches) of data across the multiple components of NCI’s Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC). This will be achieved by identifying a) AI/ML use cases for current CRDC components/datasets, b) AI-readiness gaps in each of the CRDC components, and c) recommendations for preparing future AI-ready data.

NCI invites input on how the research community currently uses the CRDC for artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)-related use cases and prospective AI/ML use cases. Feedback is welcome from a diverse set of professionals, including researchers, scientists, administrators, and healthcare professionals. Respondents can be members of academia, government, or industry. Prospective users who have yet to utilize CRDC resources are also invited to provide feedback on any barriers which hinder access to or use of CRDC data as part of their AI/ML-related research plans. NCI welcomes community input on cancer AI/ML use cases through the utilization of the different CRDC components (data commons, infrastructure, and cloud resources). Responders are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience utilizing the CRDC Data Commons for research.

Responses to this RFI will be accepted at https://rfi.grants.nih.gov/?s=65307c3039db1473710b9432 

Responders are free to address any or all the questions listed above. The webform is the preferred mode of input, but a file with associated answers may also be sent to NCI_CRDC_AI_Feedback@nih.gov.

The response period for this RFI has been extended. Comments must be received no later than 11:50pm Eastern Standard Time on December 31, 2023.


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