Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 1/17/2024

Request for Information (RFI) No 72052724RFI00002 - USAID Value-chain Opportunities for Indigenous Conservation Enterprises (VOICE) -- Peru

This is a Request for Information (RFI) from the USAID/PERU Mission’s Amazon Regional Environment Program (USAID/AREP). An RFI is a call for organizations to share technical or other requested information and gather feedback before we issue a formal solicitation. The RFI is one manner in which USAID explores ideas and plans for future projects in a particular technical area. With this RFI, we would like to collect responses related to the enclosed draft program description entitled “USAID Value-chain Opportunities for Indigenous Conservation Enterprises (VOICE).” Attachment #1 provides the background, draft objectives, and illustrative activities of the proposed program. The RFI questions and submission instructions are included in Attachment #2. Submissions with responses to this RFI might be considered to develop a final approach to the program description.

USAID is trying to sincerely make an intelligent well-researched design for this Regional Environment Program. We acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and offer the opportunity for interested organizations and individuals to provide their experience, information, opinions, and recommendations to refine future approaches to advance the self-reliance of Indigenous/Maroon Peoples in the Amazon region. This program intends to improve indigenous and Maroon peoples' capacities across the Amazon region to pursue inclusive community development involving commercial activities that are environmentally and economically sustainable as well as respectful to indigenous rights and culture. These transformative conservation enterprises and bioeconomy models will provide these communities with economic benefits and promote regional conservation of natural resources in the Amazon through forest protection, sustainable practices, strengthened local governance, and associated activities.

This RFI will be open to receive responses for 45 days from the date of release. Responses should be in a Microsoft Word document no more than five (5) pages (Calibri font 12) total in length. Subject line for email responses to limasolicitations@usaid.gov must be as follows: “RFI No. 72052724RFI00002 - USAID VOICE Activity. Responses must be received by the date and time indicated in the cover letter. T

Response Date: March 1st, 2024 at 3pm (Local Lima Time)

Funding Type