ACCC and Pfizer Global Medical Grants (Pfizer) are collaborating to offer community cancer centers a grant opportunity for quality improvement initiatives focused on the integration of biomarker testing into treatment planning for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). We are looking for community hospital-based programs and physician group practices that are interested in integrating biomarker testing into the care plan for colorectal cancer patients and utilizing the results of the genetic test to help inform disease management plans for their patients. Any ACCC member institution is eligible to apply.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by both organizations. ACCC is the lead organization for review and evaluation of applications. A review committee, led by ACCC, will make decisions on which proposals will receive funding. Grant funding will be provided by Pfizer Inc. Collectively, $1.5 million is available to fund between approximately 10 to 15 projects.
ACCC and Pfizer encourage proposals for quality improvement initiatives focused on improving or facilitating the integration of biomarker testing into treatment planning for patients with mCRC. Proposals that directly measure process improvement will be prioritized. The sustainability and broad applicability of the approach will be important considerations when evaluating projects.
Quality improvement projects can use any accepted methodology such as PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) cycles, root cause analysis, and other data-driven approaches. They may be pilot projects or build on already existing pilot projects. It is expected that projects will be evidence-based and the proposed research/evaluation will follow generally accepted scientific principles.
Multi-disciplinary collaborations are encouraged, when appropriate, but all partners must have a relevant role. Although educational efforts for grantees and patients may be entirely appropriate components in responses to this RFP, educational objectives should be secondary to the quality improvement objectives of the proposed project and should include a quantitative endpoint or outcome measure to demonstrate an improvement in patient care.
LOI Deadline: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
ACCC member community hospital-based programs and large physician group practices
Individual projects requesting up to $150,000 will be considered. The total available budget related to this RFP is $1,500,000.