Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/26/2024

Research Grants

Since 2001, WADA has invested more than USD 90 million in more than 600 research projects, helping researchers around the world make breakthroughs in anti-doping science. These grants are critical because they increase the volume of research dedicated to developing new and improved detection methods for performance-enhancing substances and methods, while attracting researchers with innovative ways of thinking. 

We promote and fund scientific research projects on these and other topics:

  • Development or optimization of analytical tools for the detection of doping substances or methods
  • Growth of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP)
  • Pharmacology of prohibited substances or drug combinations

We prioritize projects with direct and imminent applicability (including human studies where relevant) in our efforts towards clean sport. Therefore, we rarely fund basic research projects. We encourage applicants to submit translational research beyond the discovery stage, and the proposed projects should aim for concrete deliverables by the end of the funding period.

Deadlines for Expressions of Interest: Feb. 29, 2024; June 30, 2024