Research Grants

Worldwide Cancer Research invites applications for its project grants. These support fundamental or translational research into the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. Research projects with a strong scientific hypothesis that draws on epidemiological, behavioural and clinical data to provide a starting point for a new avenue of research, as well as multidisciplinary or discipline-hopping projects, are encouraged. Clinical research, including clinical trials, patient care, nursing or healthcare delivery research as well as other types of applied cancer research such as policy, public health or psychosocial research are not eligible.

Deadline:  March 31, 2025

Eligibility Requirements

PIs based at any non-profit research institute worldwide may apply. Applicants should have at least three years' post-PhD research experience. Up to three Co-applicants may participate, who should be experienced researchers (i.e. with more than 3-years post-doctoral research experience or equivalent) who have a significant role in the design or management of the project. They can be from any institution and any country, but scientists from commercial organisations cannot be Co-applicants.

Amount Description

The maximum budget allowed is £250,000, but it should be noted that most of the three-year grants we award have a budget below £200,000.