LOI Deadline
Posted: 8/20/2024

Research Grants and Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Hereditary Disease Foundation is committed to funding innovative research to cure Huntington’s disease and impact other brain disorders. Since 1968, we have been passionate about funding catalytic and paradigm-changing research – including identifying the Huntington’s disease marker in 1983 and the HD gene in 1993 – and supporting gene lowering approaches since 2002. We continue to make an impact by funding research that pushes the envelope. 

Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowships: These fellowships are intended to cultivate interest in Huntington’s disease research by encouraging promising early career scientists (postdoctoral fellows or up to 7 years past completion of PhD). HDF awards two-year fellowships of up to $100,000 per year. Beginning with the 2023 funding cycle, fellowships will be funded for a maximum of 2 years in total funding. Awarded postdoctoral researchers cannot apply for additional postdoctoral funding.

Research Grants: Grants provide more experienced researchers with seed funding to enable them to collect the preliminary data needed to obtain major, long-term funding from other organizations, including the National Institutes of Health. The Hereditary Disease Foundation awards one-year grants of $100,000. With (1) evidence of substantial progress and clear, compelling rationales for continuation; (2) a written request by the grantee for a one-year extension of the project as part of the grant progress report; and (3) competitive review by the HDF review committee, a subset of grants will be selected for the renewal for an additional year of funding of up to $100,000 (maximum possibility of one year renewal).


  • Required Letters of Intent: Sep. 3, 2024
  • Invited Application Due Date(s): Dec. 2, 2024
Funding Type
LOI Deadline:
Sponsor: By invitation