This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites U01 cooperative agreement applications for Physical Science-Oncology Projects (PS-OP). The goal of the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON) is to foster the convergence of physical sciences approaches and perspectives with cancer research to advance our understanding of cancer biology and oncology by forming transdisciplinary teams of physical scientists and cancer biologists/physician scientists. Examples of physical scientists may include engineers, physicists, mathematicians, chemists, and computer scientists. The PS-OPs, individually and as a collaborative Network along with other PS-OPs and the Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers (PS-OC), will support transdisciplinary research that: (1) establishes a physical sciences perspective within the cancer research community; (2) facilitates team science and field convergence at the intersection of physical sciences and cancer research; and (3) collectively tests physical sciences-based experimental and theoretical concepts of cancer and promotes innovative solutions to address outstanding questions in cancer research.
- Letter of Intent Due Date(s): 30 days prior to the application due date
- Application Due Date(s): July 8, 2022; Nov 1, 2022; July 3, 2023; Nov 1, 2023; July 1, 2024; Nov 1, 2024
PAR-22-147 Expiration Date November 02, 2024
Due to the transdisciplinary nature of the Physical Sciences-Oncology Projects and the focus on collaboration and expertise sharing, this FOA strongly encourages the use of the multi-PD/PI option. This FOA is open to all collaborating teams with formal training and expertise in both physical sciences and cancer research. Formal training and expertise can be established through undergraduate or graduate degrees or through a body of work that demonstrates contribution to the field. It is recognized that there may be instances where a single PD/PI will already have the combined expertise to bring a physical science perspective to study an important problem in cancer research and may not need to use the multi-PD/PI option.
Direct costs requested may not exceed $400,000 per year. The budget must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Project periods of up to 5 years may be proposed.