Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

RFI: Addressing Ocean Plastics in Kenya

USAID/Kenya and East Africa is gathering information to identify innovative ideas that address Kenya's ocean plastic challenges. interested organizations currently headquartered in Kenya may provide written responses to the information requested in the RFI document. Ideas should be led, managed, and owned by Kenyan women, youth and/or disenfranchised communities. This RFI seeks responses to inform the anticipated design of new activity to address ocean plastics in Kenya. The anticipated period of performance is January 2022 - January 2025.

This RFI is issued solely for information gathering and planning purposes. The RFI does not represent any award commitment on the part of the U.S. Government, and it does not obligate the U.S. Government to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of any feedback to the RFI questions.

Response Due Date: September 27, 2021 at 10:00am Nairobi, Kenya time

Funding Type