Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

RFI: Sustainable Economic Territorial Transformation (SETT) -- Colombia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking feedback through this Request for Information (RFI) from entities interested in the attached Draft Concept Paper for the provisionally titled “Sustainable Economic and Territorial Transformation (SETT) Activity.” This Activity will support licit and sustainable economic opportunities and investment in a targeted geography to foster equitable and environmentally sustainable growth, development and peace implementation.

Any interested organizations are invited to provide feedback, comments, opinions, and/or recommendations on the concepts and approaches for the future Activity described in Attachment A. The main purpose of this RFI is to determine the soundness and robustness of the general design, as well as to incorporate new, innovative ideas and feedback from different public, private sector and community organizations and other relevant stakeholders working on economic and rural development in former conflict-affected regions. Attachment B includes guiding questions, not all of which need to be answered. Incorporation of any feedback is subject to internal Mission discussions and approval.

The Activity will support licit and sustainable economic opportunities and investment in a targeted geography to foster equitable and environmentally sustainable growth, development and peace implementation.

Response Date: Oct. 8, 2021

Funding Type