Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

RFI - USAID/Haiti Resilient Environment Activity

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Mission in Haiti is in the process of designing the new Haiti Resilient Environment Activity with the goal of increasing community resilience by protecting and restoring ecosystem services. Given the critical nature of this activity, USAID/Haiti is reaching out to all local stakeholders and interested parties, to obtain comments/suggestions in order to incorporate new, innovative, proven, and/or promising solutions on how to conserve watersheds and increase the resilience of communities in targeted regions in Haiti.

By issuing this Request for Information (RFI), USAID/Haiti aims to consult with the broad community of private sector actors, public institutions, development partners, non-governmental organizations, industry associations, civil society, think tanks, and academia, concerned with advancing sustainable landscape management, climate change adaptation, reforestation, watershed protection, and/or resilience in Haiti. Your comments will be used to develop a design document that is clear, maximizes long-term development impact, facilitates coordination with existing and planned USAID and other development partner programs, as well as aligns with the Government of Haiti’s priorities.

Responses (i.e., comments, suggestions, and enhancements) to this RFI are due on June 30, 2021, 1:00 p.m. (Haiti time).

Funding Type