Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/2/2024

Secure Deduplication Tool for HIV Surveillance

CDC monitors trends in HIV infection, evidence of HIV medical care, and viral suppression
through the National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS). Due to migration, people living with
diagnosed HIV may be reported to CDC by multiple states. Since NHSS is designed for
redundancy of reporting from multiple sources to ensure complete reporting, deduplication of cases is a crucial activity to ensure accuracy of case counts.

The purpose of this NOFO is to
support a more efficient method for HIV surveillance jurisdictions to identify potential interstate
duplicates. The recipient will develop and provide a secure, encrypted, ongoing secure datasharing
tool capable of identifying potential duplicates across jurisdictions. Developing this tool
includes implementing necessary data security, confidentiality and privacy protections according
to CDC standards, obtaining participation agreements with 59 state and local health department
HIV surveillance programs, and reporting back to jurisdictions on matching levels in formats that
are importable into state/local HIV surveillance data systems. This NOFO supports efforts to use
HIV surveillance data to improve the health of populations disproportionately affected by HIV
by improving the accuracy and completeness of the data. Accurate and complete data will
maximize the health impact of public health services to reduce disease prevalence and promote
health equity.

Deadline: May 1, 2024