Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 7/13/2022

Smart Non-invasive Assays of Physiology (SNAP)

The Smart Noninvasive Assays of Physiology (SNAP) program aims to develop a portable, multi-omic, multiplexed molecular sensor prototype capable of implementing models that assess warfighter physiological states based on molecular biomarkers. SNAP will be rapidly adaptable to diverse Department of Defense end-user needs for readiness assessment and training, providing warfighters with a personalized view into their performance state. Recent research demonstrates that bodily fluids such as saliva carry signatures of physiological states in both health and disease, and in particular, physical and cognitive exertion. Ultimately, models of readiness or other physiological states will require point-of-person tools to process samples, analyze different classes of biomarkers in a single device, and implement these predictive models in real-world settings and on operationally relevant time frames.

SNAP is focused on a single technical area (TA): To develop a portable device that can predict warfighter readiness through sensing and assessment of molecular biomarkers from an individual’s bodily fluids.


o Proposal Abstract Due Date and Time: August 11, 2022, 4:00 PM ET

o Full Proposal Due Date and Time: September 15, 2022, 4:00 PM ET