Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 11/17/2023

Strategies to Increase Hydropower Flexibility

Building a clean and equitable energy economy and addressing the climate crisis is a top priority of the Biden Administration. This FOA will advance the Biden Administration’s goals to achieve carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and to “deliver an equitable, clean energy future, and put the United States on a path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050“1 to the benefit of all Americans. The Department of Energy is committed to pushing the frontiers of science and engineering, catalyzing clean energy jobs through research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D), and ensuring environmental justice and inclusion of underserved communities.

The research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities to be funded under this FOA will support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving the innovation that can lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies, which are critical for climate protection. Specifically, this FOA will support technologies and operational strategies to increase the power system flexibility provided by hydropower, which will allow hydropower to better integrate other clean energy technologies such as wind and solar into the power system while maintaining reliability and reducing costs.

This FOA supports three complementary strategies for increasing the flexibility of hydropower, organized as three separate topics: demonstrating hydropower hybrids (Topic 1), supporting innovative advanced hydropower equipment (Topic 2), and developing new operational strategies (Topic 3).


  • Required Concept Papers: Jan. 18, 2024
  • Full Applications: April 11, 2024
Areas of Interest
  • Topic 1: Hydropower Hybrids Demonstration
  • Topic 2: Technologies to Increase Flexibility
  • Topic 3: Operational Flexibility
Eligibility Requirements

The proposed prime recipient and subrecipient(s) must be domestic entities. The following types of domestic entities are eligible to participate as a prime recipient or subrecipient of this FOA:
1. Institutions of higher education;
2. For-profit entities;
3. Nonprofit entities; and
4. State and local governmental entities and Indian tribes

An entity may submit more than one Concept Paper and Full Application to this FOA, provided that each application describes a unique, scientifically distinct project and an eligible Concept Paper was submitted for each Full Application.

Amount Description

EERE expects to make a total of approximately $9,500,000 of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. EERE anticipates making approximately 4-7 awards under this FOA. EERE may issue one, multiple, or no awards. Individual awards may vary between $750,000 and $4,000,000.

Funding Type