Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 1/27/2025

Student Scholarships in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

The scientific councils of the American Heart Association (AHA) want to stimulate interest, knowledge and investigative work in students in medicine, nursing, public health, nutrition and other allied health disciplines. AHA Student Scholarships support students conducting research projects related to cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and stroke within basic, clinical, translational or population sciences early during pre-doctoral training, usually during the summer. Projects must be conducted under qualified supervision and each applicant and applicant's preceptor must be members of the AHA at the time of application.

AHA scholarships provide valuable stipends for graduate-level or medical students during the research project. The scholarship stipends may be used for student expenses, lab fees, or other costs incurred by the student during the project.

According to IRS guidelines, scholarships given for research work are considered taxable income. Applicants should consult a tax advisor and/or their university if they have questions.

To qualify for this award, you must meet the following deadlines:

  • April 3, 2025 - Deadline to have an active AHA membership
  • April 4, 2025, 6:00 p.m. (CT) - Deadline to apply for this award
Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include students in medical schools or in master's or equivalent programs in an accredited school in the United States where research training in cardiovascular disease and stroke is available.

MD/PhD and PhDs are ineligible unless the PhD was obtained previously in an area not related to basic sciences.

Each applicant and applicant's preceptor must be members of the AHA at the time of application.

The awards will be made to institutions within the United States in which the research training is available to students under qualified supervision. If the student conducts the research at a location other than his/her home institution, he/she must have written approval of his/her dean or other responsible individual.

Funding Type