The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this goal by:
- Providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both
- Supporting projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective
- Funding a wide range of individuals, including independent scholars, community college faculty, and non-teaching staff at universities
Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months. NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.
NEH awards Summer Stipends to individuals. Organizations are not eligible to apply, although scholars who are tenured or on a tenure track who teach full time must be nominated by their institution of higher education unless otherwise exempt (see C. Eligibility).
Institutions may nominate only one faculty member at this deadline.
- Duke Internal Deadline: July 11, 2024
- Sponsor Application Deadline: Sep. 18, 2024
NOTE: If the internal deadline has passed and you are interested in this opportunity, please email to find out if it is still open.
The Summer Stipends program limits eligibility to individuals who have not previously held an NEH award in any of its programs for individuals (listed below). Additionally, you must be one of the following to be eligible:
• A U.S. citizen residing domestically or abroad
• A foreign national who has lived in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years prior to the application deadline
Organizations are ineligible. If you elect to have the stipend paid through your institution, it must remit all NEH funds to you and not take an institutional allowance or claim indirect costs.
Faculty members with tenured or tenure-track positions who teach full-time at institutions of higher education must be nominated by their institutions to apply for a Summer Stipend.
Summer Stipends awards are $8,000. NEH anticipates awarding approximately $800,000 among an estimated 100 recipients.
The period of performance is the span of time during which you are committed to working on your NEH-supported project. Summer Stipends support two consecutive months of research and writing. You must work full-time on your project.
Summer 2011
Fiona Somerset - Feeling Like Saints: Lollard Identity and Identification
Summer 2004
Leela Prasad - A Performed Poetic: Oral Narrative and Hindu Ethics in a South Indian Town
Summer 2003
Roberto Dainotto - Europe in Theory: Cultural Identity and the North-South Divide
Summer 2002
Maria G. Nouzellies - Cultural History of Modern Hysteria in Urban Argentina, 1875-1942
Summer 2002
Mary T. Boatwright - Tombstones, Romans, and Romanization of Rome's Northern Frontier (Pannonia)
Summer 2001
Monica H. Green - The School of Salerno: Medicine and Culture in the Twelfth Century
Summer 2001
Maurice O. Wallace - Escape to Istanbul: James Baldwin Abroad
Summer 2001
Kristine E. D. Stiles - Remembering Invisibility: Documentary Photography of the Nuclear Age
Owing to the sponsor's restriction that only 1 application may be submitted from Duke, anyone wishing to pursue nomination should submit the following materials as one PDF:
1) Project Description (1 page, part of the Project Information in a full application and modified for this internal application):
- Provide a brief description of your project. It should be written for a non-specialist audience and clearly state the importance of the proposed work and its relation to larger issues in the humanities. Also indicate your need for a Summer Stipend to complete your project (Summer Stipends expect full-time work on the project for 2 consecutive months).
- List the start and end dates for your project. Your period of performance must be two months long, and it must be full time and continuous.
2) Resume (2 pages): This should cover your current and past positions, education, awards and honors, publications, other relevant professional activities and accomplishments, and level of competence in relevant foreign languages.
Please submit internal materials through My Research Proposal. (Code: ILN):
Instructions for creating an account (if needed) and submitting your materials: