Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 6/24/2024

Technology Development to Reduce Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages grant applications to develop and translate medical technologies aimed at reducing disparities in healthcare access and health outcomes. Appropriate medical technologies should be effective, affordable, culturally acceptable, and deliverable to those who need them.


  • Application Due Dates: Feb. 11, 2022; Jan. 26, 2023; May 31, 2023; Jan. 26, 2024; January 21, 2025
  • AIDS Due Dates: May 2, 2022; May 2, 2023; Sep. 6, 2023; May 2, 2024; May 02, 2025


RFA-EB-21-001 Expiration Date: New Date May 03, 2025 (Original Date: May 03, 2024) per issuance of NOT-EB-24-002

Areas of Interest

This NOSI is intended to encourage interest in the small business community to develop various approaches, technologies, and tools to address the health issues of maternal morbidity and mortality by achieving a wide array of outcomes, such as 1) the identification, phenotyping, subtyping, and stratification of patients at a greater risk of MMM, 2) multi-level interventions to address racial disparities in MMM, and 3) clinical decision-making that considers social and cultural biases.

Furthermore, this NOSI focuses on the development and validation of tools, technologies, and approaches, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, that indicate states of increased risk for and presence of MMM. This includes but is not limited to development of tools and technologies that:

  1. Measure factors associated with increased risk for MMM, including but not limited to blood pressure, heart rate, maternal/fetal physiology, or pupil dilation and facial expression.
  2. Measure biometrics associated with the onset and exacerbation of various diseases of MMM, including but not limited to depression or preeclampsia.
  3. Predict risk from a variety of data sources, for example, medical charts and electronic health records.
  4. Alert patients and clinicians to potential risk factors.
  5. Suggest various prevention and treatment approaches.
Amount Description

Application budgets are limited to $500,000 direct costs annually, not including consortia F&A.

Award Project Period: Four years