Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 5/12/2023

Trial Capacity Awards

Clinical trials are the most reliable – and ultimately the fastest – way to translate promising laboratory science into new and better ways to treat and care for people living with ALS. Therefore, the Association is working to significantly increase the number of high-quality ALS clinical trials as part of its strategic priority of finding new treatments and cures. 

As the number of ALS trials increases, the number of people with ALS participating in research will need to increase as well. Many people living with the disease want to participate in clinical trials but are unaware of opportunities or lack access to local trial sites. In addition, many trial sites do not have the infrastructure or capacity to accommodate significantly more participants and/or additional trial protocols.  

The ALS Association’s Trial Capacity Awards support efforts to improve the speed and efficiency of clinical trial conduct at both established and emerging clinical trial sites across the U.S., as well as initiatives to help improve trial accessibility for people with ALS. These awards help eliminate barriers to trial participation, especially those impacting currently underserved populations, to increase the number and diversity of people living with ALS who have the opportunity to participate. Applications that focus primarily on specific barriers or bottlenecks rather than spreading funding across all trial-related expenses are preferred. 

Letter of Intent Due: June 8, 2023

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed plan may apply as a principal investigator (PI).  For example, PIs could be clinical directors (medical directors), clinical research coordinators, or other clinically trained personnel. 

Amount Description
  • The maximum period of performance is four years
  • The maximum total budget is $400,000 (inclusive of both direct and indirect costs)
  • Indirect costs are limited to 10 percent of the total direct costs   
  • All funds must be expended within the approved period of performance
Funding Type