Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

Trinity Challenge

Preparedness for health emergencies requires more than just pharmaceutical interventions. It demands that we better identify, respond to, and recover from outbreaks before they cause great harm. COVID-19 has starkly shown the need for better preparation.

The Trinity Challenge is an initiative led by some of the world’s most prominent organisations from across the private, academic, and social sectors for the purpose of sourcing and scaling solutions that better protect one billion more people from future health emergencies. It is a call to action for the world’s best and brightest minds to contribute ideas and innovations, with £10M in awards for the best Challenge Teams. Questions cover economics, behavioural sciences, epidemiology, and many other disciplines. Founding Members and Members will contribute their data, resources, and time to catalyse and support the work of Challenge Teams.

The Trinity Challenge is set across three areas designed to reflect the most pressing needs for building preparedness for resilience in health emergencies. People from across the world are encouraged to form Challenge Teams and submit applications that respond to these questions with their ideas and innovations. Successful applications will receive support from Members to develop their solutions. Applicants will benefit from the data, resources and support of The Trinity Challenge’s global coalition.

The inaugural Challenge will launch in September 2020. There are different deadlines for application for collaborative and independent development.

Application for participation within The Trinity Challenge:
Applications asking for support from our Founding Members and Members (“collaborative applications”) will have to be submitted by 11:59pm GMT on November 8, 2020 in order to enable timely matching. Submissions beyond that data cannot be guaranteed to be regarded for support from our Founding Members and Members.

Applications not requiring additional support (“independent applications”) will have to be submitted by 11:59pm GMT on January 30, 2021.

Areas of Interest
  • Identify: determine and limit the disease risk pool and spill over risk
  • Respond: decrease transmission and spread
  • Recover: improve our health and economic system resilience