Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 5/17/2023

Understanding Gene-Environment Interactions in Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications that propose interdisciplinary research projects that utilize disease relevant human cell-based in vitro and ex vivo models to characterize the effects of gene-environment (GxE) interactions on gene regulation and cellular functions, and to elucidate toxicant mediated molecular and cellular mechanisms in brain aging and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD). The objective of this initiative is to stimulate research to gain mechanistic insights into GxE interactions in response to environmental toxicants using human cell-based models. 

This NOFO, in conjunction with its two companion NOFOs: RFA-AG-24-022 and RFA-AG-24-023, aims to establish a “Precision Environmental Health in AD/ADRD Tri-consortium” and lay the foundation for a precision environmental health approach to AD/ADRD risk reduction and disease prevention.


  • Letter of Intent Due Date(s): September 22, 2023

  • Application Due Date: October 23, 2023

RFA-AG-24-021 Expiration Date October 24, 2023

Amount Description

Application budgets need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project and must be limited to $500,000 in direct costs per year.

The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.

Funding Type