Sponsor Deadline
Posted: 4/18/2022

U.S. Mission to Russia -- Russian-American History Showcase

The U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Section in Moscow (PAS Moscow) invites proposal submissions for a cooperative agreement to implement the 2020 Russian-American History Showcase (formerly the Fort Ross Quest), which will be conducted entirely online. The grant recipient will work closely with Public Affairs and Cultural Affairs at Mission Russia to create an activity that motivates teams of Russian secondary school students and teachers to explore the shared history of the United States and Russia. The result of the showcase will be a student-made showcase project (a website, app, AR or VR platform, etc.) that then becomes a useful outreach tool for further engagement with a broader audience on shared U.S.-Russian History. The showcase will include learning opportuneness in the form of online workshops and seminars to help participants in their desire to learn more about emerging computer technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and app development. The showcase also supports the purchase and shipping of tools to winning teams to help them further their educational, creative and technological endeavors. The Russian-American History Showcase proactively promotes a broader understanding of U.S. history while also promoting tolerance, shared values, teamwork, and English language learning.  

Eligible applicants may not submit more than one proposal in this competition. 


  • Duke Internal: TBA
  • Sponsor Deadline: Aug. 15, 2020
Eligibility Requirements

Applications may be submitted by U.S. public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 USC 501(c)(3), public and private institutions of higher education.

Funding Type