BCAN’s Young Investigator Awards support outstanding early-career scientists and clinical cancer researchers with a demonstrated commitment to improving the understanding and treatment of bladder cancer and/or upper tract urothelial cancer. Applicants may be working in basic, translational, clinical, epidemiologic, bioengineering sciences or any other field, but projects must be specific to bladder cancer and/or upper tract urothelial carcinoma, and the applicant’s research environment must be capable of supporting transformational bladder cancer research.
Applicants may also be investigating studies of patient-centered clinical research including shared decision making, access to care, quality of care, quality of life, health disparities, comparative effectiveness research, patient-centered outcomes research, and survivorship.
Applicants must have a mentor within or approved by the sponsoring institution that will assume responsibility for the overall conduct of the project and provide guidance and protected research time.
Deadline: Feb. 21, 2025
- Applicant must be from a US or Canadian sponsoring academic, non-profit or governmental institution.
- Applicant must be within 6 years of completion of a professional degree or clinical training and may not hold the title of Associate Professor or higher at the time of submission.
- Prior BCAN Young Investigator Award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.
- The applicant may not have other funding with significant scientific overlap.
- Eligible applicants are allowed to hold only one active grant from BCAN at a time.
Project Period: 1 year
Total Funding: $75,000; Indirect costs are not allowable